Sunday 4 April 2010

Packed our bags today, pre-flight. Zero hour 2 am and I’m gonna be......

We had a fantastic last day in Singapore. This morning we went to church (Maundy Thursday) and then we packed our bags and got them down to the porters store, all labelled up and tied together with bright green “string”. We had a long discussion with the concierge and the cashier about our anniversary breakfast, which we thought was a little on the expensive side. This was after we saw that the Room Service price was $5 cheaper than what we had been charged for eating in the restaurant!
We eventually got the hotel management to reduce the charge to that of the room service price, being gracious enough to admit that they needed to do something about this in future.
We went on a harbour cruise this afternoon and landed on a small island that has a number of shrines which the Chinese visit in October. The vessel was called the Cheng Ho ll and was very much artistically decorated in oriental style, and with twin dragon heads on its prow.
Our taxi ride to the airport was supposed to cost $20 but in fact cost $30 as it was rush hour. The driver changed the meter as we got near the airport, and would have been the stated amount if he hadn’t! Well, we’ll let it go as we don’t want to appear un-gracious British people!
We get to the airport in good time, and just as well. We find that despite having written confirmation from Virgin Atlantic that we have a Business Class flight, Singapore Airlines have us down for an economy flight! We are no not very happy bunny’s, Easter or not! Despite protestations we get now where, although it is accepted that we have paid the full business class fare! So, we are on Standby for Business Class. This means we still get our flight to Cape Town, but it probably will be less comfortable for me and very uncomfortable for Margery. We hope that she can sleep and control the pain over the next few days otherwise we won’t be doing too much sight seeing in South Africa!
Not certain if anything else can go wrong, but I have already contacted Virgin Atlantic about the problem and will see what the outcome is. The problem is that travelling business class you get a better luggage allowance, and you are also able to relax more on the flights. We’re not so fussed about complimentary drinks etc, but if you’ve paid for it already then you are entitled to it if you want it!
Margery is getting anxious about the flight and so we will see what transpires Que Sera sera, what ever will be will be. Oh! Tom Jones has just walked through on the same flight. I bet he’s not in economy class. His Singapore concert was rescheduled to tonight,and so it might have a bearing on why we appear to have been” bumped”. Apparently he is performing on Wednesday in Cape Town so hopefully no repeat performance!
Well, We didn’t get our correct seats and as a result we didn’t get much sleep between Singapore and Johannesburg. We did manage to get up into our rightful seats for the “Joburg” to Cape Town flight and we did get some rest, but nowhere near enough (2 hrs rather than 12).

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