Sunday 21 February 2010

So bye bye Miss American Pie... mad for the last two days! An explanation of the blog title..For the last two days, all the cabins on the site have been taken by a large group of American Dancers (our age +) who were on a combined holiday dance tour complete with large coach. They also had a catering crew who were determined to commandeer the entire communal kitchen – every fridge, freezer, sink, cooker and flat surface from 6am onwards! The volume of conversation was also a total noise pollution anywhere near the kitchen or pool! The pool here shuts at 8.30 – not unreasonable, but they wanted it open an extra hour, “as they’d rented so many cabins”. Also Americans supposedly having in common, the English language, there should have been no excuse for them ignoring the clear signs saying no eating, drinking in the pool area. Being the worst sort of Americans, they ignored the lot, with glass beer bottles by the spa and Irish Cream disguised in a milk shake carton.
Ugh! We’re just so glad we decided to eat out, and didn’t have to battle for kitchen space. We felt really sorry for the remaining campers who were having to do so as the site was full of families and people like us. But they’ve gone – and they’re on their way home, thank goodness – so we shouldn’t bump into them again.
Enough of the moans – I’m very happy as I can now see again..having just had my hair cut (Ron thought I was going to the sheep shearers) for the first time since late December! Pot luck from the 7 hairdressers in Kaikoura – rather too many for the 1500 population in my opinion! But it worked well, and I don’t look like a shorn sheep! Phew! We’ve just had a lazy lunch at the campsite having packed up as required by 10 and stored our rucksacks in the office until we go for the train at 3ish.
Your challenge for today (Ron’s idea NOT mine!) is to design a tentavan...complete with solar power – we’ll show you one tomorrow, as we have limited time left to load this blog, so the pics will have to wait!!

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