Monday 8 February 2010

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine..

I don’t think the glow worms were singing, but there were thousands and thousands of them shining in the roof of the glow worm caves we visited at Waitomo on our way south today. It was one of the places M had really wanted to go to. Stopping short of our intended destination yesterday put it in doubt, but a good run down on much better roads (in spite of road works and a very big accident to a huge truck and trailer at the bottom of a steep hill and road bends) meant we had time to visit and get to New Plymouth in time to set up camp, and get a swim in the “Ditch” (otherwise know to us as the Tasman sea !) before supper.
The caves were astounding – a much more porous type of limestone giving the normal stalagtites and stalagmites, but some incredible “cauliflower” and “Broccoli” shaped deposits as well. Then the glowworms...Ron did make the comment that it’s amazing what they can do with LEDs these days..but I’ve never seen an insect eating LED!
Unfortunately we did not have any photos as they were not allowed in the caves...we have bought a few postcard to show interested parties, but we weren’t paying $40 for their photopack! I wonder why!
So where are we now? We’re just outside New Plymouth, near Mt Egmont, at a seaside place called Oakura. The site is right on the beach, our pitch sheltered by small trees and flax plants, with a beautiful waterfall directly behind us. Don’t worry, no danger of it flooding us out, it’s in a culvert under the site!! Our tent door is facing the sea. I hope the waves don’t keep me awake! R They normally lull you off quite nicely, if not, you’ll just have to put your ear plugs in!
So what next, well, over breakfast we have to decide whether to go walking or exploring tomorrow, then have a 5/6 hour drive to Wellington on Wednesday, or whether to forgo the walking, get down to Whanganhui tomorrow, have a shorter run to Wellington, and some time there. Difficult choice, especially after a local recommended a nice walk! Oh well, “Rough Guide” will, as usual be the answer!


  1. shouldn't the title of this one be "going undergreound"?! BTW, I'm still waiting for my first postcard. Mum and Dad have had two already. Hmmm!

  2. They're getting a few more than most, but yours was posted about 4 days ago - not sure how long they take!
