Wednesday 3 February 2010

“today’s your birthday..happy birthday to yer”!!!!

Happy birthday Pete, now you can both go out for a free day on the buses!!! Although we know that you are looking to a larger celebration later in the year, do take some time out this Thursday to have a special time – you’re only 59 + 365 days once! This area is living up to everything you told us about it. We’re sitting here celebrating your birthday drinking a very nice Moana Park Merlot Malbec, looking at the view from our tent which hopefully you can see too. We even found the Blue Heron (3 or 4 to be precise) when we went for a beach walk this afternoon. The campsite is named after the blue heron. Philias, as you can see, started celebrating your birthday early, apparently on Bristol’s instruction! (in case you haven’t met him, Bristol is Pete and T’s travelling bear).
Oh I do like to be beside the seaside...
Not that we were intending to be here, but that’s par for the course! We are very close to Whangarei but not on the site we’d planned. We had a few reservations about our initial choice – it was very convenient for our route, but looked a bit too close to the main North/south Highway 1...then, as we approached, we saw the logging lorries!!! Decision made – find another site away from the main road!
Where we’ve ended up can best be described as a little bit of heaven – well, unless there’s a storm or a gale blowing I suspect. We’re on the side of Whangarei harbour (huge!) Blue Heron site is on a small spit of land, with sea on 3 sides. You look back towards a thickly wooded hillside behind. And not a sound of traffic at all, let alone a log lorry, to be heard! AND they have genuine FREE internet! So providing we can get connected, we should be able to post the blogs and do a few emails tonight.
So why the slightly mad route, going south first, then back up north, only to come south again later? Blame the Scouts! Well, one in particular! Ron Bird, who we met in Rorotonga, said that we really should go to Waitangi Day on 6th Feb. Waitangi, for those who haven’t visited this amazing country, is the site of the signature of the treaty/covenant between the Maori and British peoples. The place is regarded as very significant to the Maori and British alike, and the anniversary of the signing is celebrated in high style – lots of waka (long carved war canoes) ceremonies and celebrations for the whole day and, as we understand it, most of the night as well!
We are to be camping on the headland opposite Waitangi – a small village called Russell. There are small passenger ferries across to Pahia and then it’s a short walk to the treaty grounds. It seemed wisest to be close but not too close. Why you might think? Well, like any celebration it can get out of hand especially if racial tension boils over into violent protests. Don’t worry, we’re not going to get ourselves into any trouble.

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