Friday 5 February 2010

Up, up, up to the Russell hotel...

Well, a tent actually but we couldn’t think of a better title except Mr Blue Sky.
We’re in Russell on the Bay of Islands coast opposite Waitangi where we intend to be tomorrow (Feb 6th) – Waitangi Day.
This morning we awoke to the sound of water lapping around our tent. It was so quiet that although the sea was around 10 feet away it sounded as if it was just outside the tent. Whanganui harbour was dead still which was a surprise after the easterly wind we had all day yesterday. So, off we set to Whanganui Falls, about 5 km away. Very spectacular and well worth the climb down to the splash pool below.
We then took the scenic coastal route to Russell and passed so many fabulous sights it was hard to chose which ones to show you. This scenic drive is best from South to North we have been reliably informed and so that’s what we did. It was cool seeing road signs “look out for kiwi” which are painted on the road as this area is a reserve for kiwi’s – the birds that is! Being nocturnal the likelihood of seeing them during the day is remote but you never know, we might hear them tonight. It would make a change from the possoms we heard 2 nights ago. They are the foxes of NZ and bizarrely protected in Oz but a pest here.

In Russell we saw a Landy who looked suspicously familiar - we liked the number plate, but weren't too sure about the dodgy horns behind the grill! (It was a proper metal one tho' Jen and Dan!)

We found out about Waitangi Day and what is happening so we are getting an early start tomorrow...7.45 ferry!! Aaarrggghh! That means leaving the site about 7.15! are you mad Mr B?
And so to bed... Night night!!


  1. Don't know whether comments got through I've got
    gremlins you got de kiwis Enjoy yourselves
    Love the pics Love to you too Nan and GD

  2. Hope you're enjoying the Waitangi day celebrations as I write - far too late, should be in bed!! Tha camp site sounds idyllic especially now the children are back at school!! We noticed lots of sparrows in Oz too so they obviously decided that sunnier climes were called for and emigrated! Glad you are enjoying Jacques type BBQs -we missed out in Oz as it was their winter!!!Love to you both from us both!xx

  3. Sounds incredible, looks fantastic! Although (in a very very small attempt to show what you're missing) I'm watching the opener of the 6 nations... if the rest carry on like this, you're not missing much!

  4. Excellent pics :) Love the Landy!! (p.s. ..that's the grill I need for George - how big's the suitcase? ;) Hehe!) D&Jx

  5. Hi Guys just catching up on the blog Thanks your greetings here and the card . Had a great time was blest with the use of a 4.2 Mk2 Etype Jag on Thursday with love from T and ahd a lovely meal out with family Thursday eve. recognise the falls, We loved it in the Northland.Look Don't forget the world famous fish and chip shop at manganui. Bristol of course denies any knowledge of collaborating with Phileas, but he would wouldn't he!! Look forward to the next instalment. Pete
