Tuesday 30 March 2010

Any umbrellas, any umbrellas to fix to day?...

If yours needed fixing you might, as they say, be in a fix, because the predicted storm appeared again today - but at 3 o’clock like yesterday rather than Simon’s 4pm!
It didn’t stop us enjoying ourselves though, as we’d planned an earlyish start, and a visit to the Botanic Gardens. The Orchid Garden that we visited briefly before is there too and I for one intended a longer visit! 100 pictures of orchids? Not enough!! Well, maybe not 100 but quite a few!
The gardens are extensive, with beautifully landscaped areas for different types of plant –bamboos, ferns, a sun garden (cacti) water lilies etc. There was a Ginger garden which we found very interesting – did you know that Turmeric was a type of ginger? Nope, neither did we! The other one Ron enjoyed was the spice garden. Using as many as we both do in cooking, it was fascinating to see what they looked like “in the flesh” so to speak. Most of the Botanic gardens was free to enter, just the orchid part attracted a small charge..made less by the fact that Ron has his bus pass! It was really worth it to see so many beautiful flowers in as near their natural environment as could be achieved; sorry Jules, I didn’t smuggle any out for you this time, either!
We’ve come back to the hotel for a rest, a shower and a change of clothes as we’re out on the town tonight! We’re going to Clarke Quay for a river cruise and supper, followed by a visit to Raffles, where we intend to sample the atmosphere, if not the Singapore Sling! I tried one on the plane on the way here and whilst the flavour was very pleasant and the idea of 4 or 5 shots of different spirits in one glass might sound like a good idea, I’m not so sure! Might have to settle for a nice safe G & T!
Oh yes, Singapore is, as we have said, a vivid multi cultural place, but we weren’t too sure quite what was intended when we saw the street sign above...or the “basah” that was being advertised!!!


  1. Ah... is this a good time to tell you I killed an orchid?! ...other one doing fine tho! :) J&Dx

  2. Don't worry - they always had two options, and that one decided to take the "Turn up my roots and snuff it" one...Mum can always get a new one!

  3. looking forward to seeing the photos if i can't have the real thing xx

  4. Don't worry Jules, we can do "death by photographs as well as any I know. Better start practicing yawning and the droopy eyes.
