Tuesday 2 March 2010

Travellin’ down the road, trying to lighten my load ...

I don’t know what Ron and I had on our minds this morning, but lighten our load we did, as we managed to leave our “cold” food bits and pieces in the fridge at Wanaka! Doh! As the saying goes! Well, silly as it is, that’s the first time we’ve done it in well over 30 nights camping but... What a pair of prunes! At least we’d been eating up our stores, as we’re leaving the car overnight tomorrow night while as go out on Doubtful sound, so maybe there was a reason for this. We’ve got our current camp site to phone the Wanaka one, and asked them to put the stuff out with the “free but good” food selection that most kitchens seem to have – it’s where you leave bits you don’t want to carry home when you leave, and free to anyone who wants it – good system, so hopefully they’ll get used.
Anyway, if you’re reading this as today’s blog, you may wish to go back 2 entries, as we’ve split the day’s entries into 3 – such a lot went on today, and we wanted to put more pictures on than one blog entry would have let us do.
Just to finish this last bit of the day, we’re safely ensconced in our lovely WARM cabin (it even has an electric heater!) There’s a couple of picture of it to show the luxury we’re indulging in! I’m afraid the strange looking fizz-og glaring at you sideways is Ron’s idea of a “funny face”! Hmmm...

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