Friday 12 March 2010

..Just like before, it’s yesterday, once more.

Today we woke to a crisp autumnal alpine morning, with no clouds to speak of. The rain last night seemed to stop about 8pm, and there was no wind. We thought that today we would continue to relax by taking the bikes for trip into the woods surrounding us on three sides. So, map in pocket we set off, heeding the tree roots that the site owners wife was so much at pains to point out.
The paths weren’t that bad and most of the MTB tracks which were quite narrow, were covered with a light layer of gravel making them slippery round sharp bends in the track around trees etc. Tree spacing was probably about twice as dense as the most crowded planting at Moors Valley Country Park, and so it was quite dark as well. Having said all this the tracks were interesting and challenging and we spent about 90 minutes riding round before heading back to the chalet for tuna pasta salad for lunch.
Margery, as some will know is making a shawl for “Beanette” (new granddaughter expected in April), and has got quite behind with this” must get done” project with all our other activities we have been doing. So, to rest tired leggies she has been a busy sew and sew, giving me a chance to read a novel that I hadn’t started. We sunbathed, relaxed and swatted the odd sandfly that took a liking to first one and then the other, before cycling back into Hamner Springs for a look around, some bread and a take-away supper.
We settled on Maltesers Fudge, and fish and chips, with onion rings from Captain Mikes. I thought it was a strange combination but M insisted that it was the Malteser one she wanted! So, Fish Supper in hand, or rather in daysack with loaf of bread we cycled back to the camp site. M was concerned that we had a bear backside next to the supper. Me, I was more concerned about the bear feet. I didn’t want cheesy chips with my fish!
They were scrummy with the fresh bread (and Chip /mayonnaise buttie ), with a bear watching from the daysack in disgust, washed down with our one remaining can of Speights Coast to Coast beer! Philias had had his banana chocolate chip muffin in town so he shouldn’t have been complaining.
Ok, about the fudge...I believe, folks, you are being seriously misled! I went into the shop next to the chippy to look at a recipe book for Muffins – nothing to do with fudge.
(Yeah, right!)
Ron said “M, you can look the information up on t’internet ”. So he did some diversionary tactics and suggested that fudge might be an alternative to the book! (that’s his version of the story!)
The true version!
– Huh that depends on your viewpoint!
My version...the book was too heavy to bring home, so I was on my way out when I realised that Ron had followed me in..Ron, in a shop willingly? Very suspicious! I was walking to the door when HE pointed out the fudge counter! ? Nuf sed?!!
Our new neighbours have arrived with an imposter of a vehicle. It’s an Orange Pajero with a nasty tin looking snorkel with Camel Trophy stickers on it dated around 1994. What an upstart! No photo yet as it ran of scared as M approached with her camera to get the crime scene evidence.
Tomorrow we are moving on to Akaroa (Banks Peninsula) so will be making our penultimate venue visit in NZ. We hope the weather will remain kind for us as the scenery is supposed to be exceptional, and this area very much has a French influence, something novel to our experiences. We are hoping to get the tent out for the last time, as the Christchurch hotel has been booked.


  1. Shawl looking good as far as it goes!!! You've been away for ages - can't think why it's not finished!!!!!Love the blue penguin - so close! Not jealous at all!! As for the ones of the albatross in flight - fabulous! Enjoy your last few days in NZ! I have a suprise visit from Pip and Craig for Mothering Sunday - suprise for only me it seems!!!

  2. Hey Mum, don't worry too much about Beanette's shawl, she can wait you know - just enjoy the Holiday whilst you have some relaxing days left :) Saying that though, it's looking good! Save it for the plane trips ;) ...are you allowed to export Maltesers fudge?! ;) J&Dx

  3. Sadly not - cos Aus won't let it in - it doesn't taste too good when Ron's sat on it either!!
