Tuesday 23 March 2010

We come along on Saturday morning, greeting everybody with a smile!

This is our last day in NZ and we are going to make the best of it. We missed Lyttelton when we went to Akaroa as they had a fete on and we wanted to avoid any possibility of a traffic jam. Lytteleton has many reasons to be mentioned as it was the place where the first 4 ships bringing emigrants from Gravesend landed in December 1850. It is also the port from where the Antarctic vessels sail to the USA and NZ bases.
The best vantage point for seeing the City of Christchurch, the plains of Canterbury and the Southern Alps and North to Kaikoura is at the summit of Mt Cavendish (945 metres high) which is part of the volcano that formed these hills or mountains. The drive up by car was breathtaking with incredible views, but why would you cycle to the top? That’s what I call breathtaking!!
We hadn’t enough time yesterday to see everything we wanted, and so decided to visit the museum, and art centre in between riding the trams again. The weather was just perfect for doing this as it was cloudy and warm, so we didn’t feel we were missing out on that last minute opportunity to top up the tan. Sorry everyone for mentioning the sun! I lost Margery in the museum as it was quite easy to dip into an exhibit and mean while I went to another. Well if lost we always said to the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts we will meet you at the entrance. Well it worked!
We decided that with carrying souvenirs we needed to reduce weight of our cases. So, we took pieces of clothing which we felt were surplus and donated them. We also got rid of our last bits and pieces of cutlery etc as we won’t be having picnics here after our lunch today. Also we are returning Scooby  which has been our wheels for the last 25 days. We did 2800 km in Scooby and still aren’t always sure what side the indicators are! Doh!
We have an early morning wake up call for 3:30 am and are getting cases and “stuff” sorted so that we can get an easy in to Oz bearing in mind we must have everything clean (boots, trekking poles etc) and we can’t take in any food of any sort. So as we don’t want a $1000 fine we are double checking everything.
Just discovered we both have a $NZ 25 exit tax to pay. Humm... wot if we haven’t got it. Will they make us stay?
Sadly, we think not but tomorrows another day!

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