Friday 5 March 2010

There’s a really strong wind blowing, darn below...

This is one place we went through today! Jen and Dan, you didn't know you had your own town, did you?!

Well, we planned that we would be staying at a site called Curio Bay on the south east coast of the Catlins. But, when we got there the wind was sooo strong Margery couldn’t hold the camera steady and nearly got blown off her feet. We didn’t think our Oztrail tent would stand for any more battering so ..Plan B
Plan B is a Kiwi Parks site near McLean Falls just off the Southern Scenic Route, and East of Fortrose and Invercargill. We find the most sheltered site we can as it is still quite blowy even 10Km or so inland and the forecast is for rain by the morning. The site is quite small and we find that the kitchen is the smallest we have encountered so far, but it does have gas hobs!
So, having stocked up in Invercargill as there is not a lot of opportunity to get provisions in this area – they only recently tar-sealed the roads through the Catlins, I prepare a Fish Thai green curry, with pasta as we are still quite full from our Doubtful Sound trip and the left over lunch bits we saved.
We get chatting to a couple from Ohio who are riding a tandem and travelling in the opposite direction to us. They are camped next to us on the site and know England quite well having lived there on a number of occasions for 6 months at a time.
Well into the night we blog and charge lappie as we have power again! Then fall into bed for a well earned rest.