Tuesday 23 March 2010

I’m sitting on a railway station, got a ticket for my destination

Well, today we are going to travel on a train, car and taxi, coach and a plane. So far as we are aware we are not going on a boat. That’s why we didn’t use the other song title which we could have used! Which one? Why “Trains and boats and planes took me away...” of course.
We saw the train yesterday and we also saw Thomas Oz style! But today we are travelling on The Puffing Billy. It was built as a branch line for the owner of a specialist horticulturist to transport his wares to Melbourne for home and export sales. It was closed down in 1953 after a landslip and it was opened about 5 years later by volunteers and enthusiasts and continues to run trains each day. The trains are steam hauled with exception of during very high fire risk as the possibility of sparks setting light to the bush is too high.
The trip we took was only part one way and we alighted at Emerald Lakeside(8.25 miles) which was the end of the line up to 1998 when the extension to Gembrook was restored. Emerald township is the highest part of the line and is 1045 ft above sea level and 6 miles from Belgrave where we started our journey. Here the engine takes on water before proceeding for a further 6.75 miles to the terminus.
Our engine was very well turned out and worked hard up the 1:30 Emerald Bank before cruising down to our morning tea stop by the lake. Well, M had seen a kookaburra by the side of the road yesterday, but was delighted when one came and sat on a branch right where we were sitting. We also had attentive pukeko and ducks and a whole flock of sulphur crested cockatoo! Something about food, I would say!
We had to get the compulsory DVD and “T” shirt. Good job we have a generous luggage allowance on this trip!
We have a fantastic seafood lunch before being whisked off to Southern Star Rail/Bus station to catch our transfer to Avalon airport to catch the flight to Sydney. The traffic jam we experienced is the first since leaving the UK, and to be in such a big city has really landed us down to earth with a big bump. This is probably as well, as Sydney will be bigger and more crowded, I expect. We pass Albert Park where preparations for Sunday’s Australian GP are in full flow. Simply Red are playing in Melbourne on Sunday evening as well. How come we will be in Singapore? At least we should be able to watch it on TV.
We are looking forward to seeing and staying with Elizabeth, Martin, Ryan and Emily, and exploring Sydney.


  1. Wow, hope you're still taking lots of piccies! Can't believe you've left NZ already, it seems like for ever but is going very fast. J&Dx

  2. Lovely photo of the kookaburra! They don't keep still for too long, do they?!
