Saturday 27 March 2010

What goes up, must come down...

..and hopefully the right way up as we took off upside down, downunder and, having crossed the Equator (just!) are now back in the northern hemisphere and hopefully back to normal!! Ok, ok, I know Ron and I can never be classed as normal!

Our plane left Melbourne half an hour late, as the one coming in was delayed, but it made up most of the time during the 8 hour flight. We had a good trip, (far too much scrummy food as usual!) arriving in Singapore at 4pm their time.

Margery made a big mistake tho.. well 2 big mistakes - firstly in the Lounge at Melbourne when I decided to have a tomato juice.. the bottle was wet and slipped out of my hand onto the tiled floor, with the inevitable results! Ooops! Fortunately I was wearing shorts and sandals, so the legs were easy to clean up - there were a few splashes on the shorts too, but they seem to have come off ok - phew! Mistake numer two was to watch a very weepy film about a beatulful dog "Hachi" (spelling?) His master died, and he spent the next 9 years living at the railway station where his master used to come home from work, waiting for him. Oh dear, with our boy so far away, I don't know quite what people thought of me sitting there with tears streaming down my face! What a wally! Mind you, Ron had chosen to watch it too - with similar effects! Not that we're missing our Simba, or anything!

Everyone has warned us that Singapore is very expensive - so far we've managed to find a very reasonably priced airport shuttle that took us right to our hotel (we can use this to go back as well) and the hotel has free internet!! Wahoo!! So far so good - we'll see what tomorrow brings!

Our first impressions are of an obviously enormous city, but a very pretty one too - even the motorway centers and crash barriers are covered in flowers! I'm not sure they'll help if you crash, but they do look lovely!

The city seems fairly busy today, but we have to remember it's a saturday..Monday could be a different matter!

We've checked into what has turned out to be a much nicer hotel than I anticipated - good old Expedia! So far all we've really done is to sort out some clothes (washing, ironing, boring!) and had a brief look at what we might do over the 6 days we're here. We got the impression from the tours booking desk that most people only stay here on brief stopovers, and don't have as much time as we have so hopefully we'll be able to see quite a lot.

We've just had a reply to our email to our hosts in South Africa -Keith and Gill are heavily involved with their local church in Pinewood including sorting things out ready for a 7am Easter Sunday Service - so it looks like Easter may be very similar to our ones at home as we've offered to help!! Nothing really changes, does it?

We've found out where our nearest church is here - just up the road fortunately, so after a cup of tea, we'll have a wander and find out what time the service is tomorrow. Couldn't really miss Palm Sunday could we?
Just one picture so far - to prove we're really here!


  1. It says Ron, But it's really me! M

  2. May I suggest a trip to the zoo and the night zoo! We really enjoyed them but avoid the weekend - packed out!!!We caught a bus out there which was very good - buy the all purpose ticket and you'll be amazed at the number of journeys you get for your money! Tube was cheap and bus maybe even cheaper!!1
