Thursday 7 January 2010

Best Laid Plans..!

The best laid they say, go oft awry! So much for our nice laid back Tuesday afternoon, sorting the house and doing some leisurely packing! By lunchtime we'd both decided, quite independently of each other , that with the weather closing in, the only sensible thing to do was to get out of Dorset and Hampshire as fast as the snow and Bertie the BMW would allow!

SO...cases were not so much packed as thrown together, bins were emptied (as was the fridge!) washing up and most of the tidying up was done. Not quite αΎ² la headless chicken syndrome..the brains were definitely engaged, but you get some idea of the speed involved!

There were a few moments of inspiration..we both came up with the thought that we weren't risking friends (or their small children!) driving us to the airport in this wretched weather, so the train would take the strain. That wouldn't be so much fun with the luggage, so Ron phoned the Hilton at Heathrow and they very kindly agreed to store the big cases overnight! Brainwave! J

So, we came up yesterday via Heathrow to drop cases, arriving at Val and Ian's house with Sims and without any mishap at about 8 last night. We seemed to be running just ahead of the main snow belt all the way! Phew!

We drove through snow, but by the time we reached Kent, it was still not laying on the roads to any extent.

Dorset, Hampshire and Sussex really seemed to be "copping it" if the road reports were to be believed!

Then, this morning, Val very kindly drove us to Swanley (the A20 and M20 being almost clear) and we caught a train about 15 mins later to Victoria. By 12.15 the tube had conveyed us to Terminal 3...and we asked the dreaded question at the Virgin Check's it going? You can imagine our delight when they said they'd managed to get all bar one flight off this morning, and that was only cancelled as Boston was snowed in!

So, all being well and barring whiteout overnight, we should be ok for tomorrow. Either way we can't do a lot about it, so we're just sitting back comfortably in our hotel room, having just spent the afternoon in the swimming pool and sauna! The next move for us is to choose one of the 4 restaurants to visit for supper (it's a hard life!) and get an early night before a very long day tomorrow. We'll let you know how we get on tomorrow!!

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