Monday 4 January 2010

The calm before the snow

We are sitting here listening to the weather forecast for the next few days. It sounds quite interesting with ice, followed by rain and snow. We were told before moving to Dorset that it never snows here. Well, they're wrong. We had snow in February 2009 and are now expecting possibly to be snowed in tomorrow. Maybe it's because of all the logs we've been burning increasing global warming. Unlikely-you haven't seen the amount of logs we've got through since installing the log burner in November. Watch out Ringwod Forest you only have 9 months until we start the fire again.
On Wednesday we are travelling up to Kent and then on to Heathrow, if the weather is kind to us. We also see that Las Vegas has a forecast of rain whilst we're there, and that when the Colorado River is at its lowest since the Hoover Dam was built. What is about us?
We went to Guernsey just before Christmas for the wedding of Peter and Lucy. We had a great time, and it snowed, with Jersey being brought to a standstill. Is it me?
Simba is getiing quite twitchy; maybe he will settle once his food, bed and the cases go into the car on Wednesday morning. He is qite clingy at the moment making sure that we are not let out of his sight.
We will update the blog as and when we can, even if it means visiting McDonalds. There are hotspots for wifi we are told and so we wont have to rely on hotel internet.
Our plants have gone on holiday and so with the decorations also taken down after Christmas it looks pretty bare. After recently watching The Day of the Triffids, I hope we've done the right thing leaving them with our friends in West Moors!


  1. Lovely photo of Simba! I write this at work - calm before storm here - snow anticipated, will I get home?!!! You should be at Val and Ian's so hope you got there safely. Hope you get to Heathrow safely tommorrow and begin your amazing travels!! Very envious! Give my sister and family big hugs from us please! Love to you both, Tricia xx

  2. Todays the day Bon Voyage hope you made it to heathrow ok have a great trip. We have had heavy snow showers today and are contemplating our journey to oxford tomorrow. No change in Joseph. hope to visit Richard and J over the weekend GOd Bless P&T
