Sunday 24 January 2010

Ooops! Forgot the train pic!

I'm in trouble! Here's the train pic I was supposed to put in!


  1. No comment about the train :p but love the cove pics in the other blog :) Beautiful. Glad to hear you're having fun... oh, and Hippy Burpday to you, Hippy Burpday to you, Hippy Burpday dear ROoooooooooooooooooooooooon. Hippy Burpday to you! :) J&Dx
    P.S. ...what song is: 'Opps I forgot the train pic' from? ;)

  2. "Hari huriau ki a koe" (Maori)
    "Kia hari to huritau"
    Happy Birthday Ron
    Love J&K

  3. Does help if I spell it right
    "Hari huritau ki a koe"
    (Happy Birthday to you)
    "Kia hari to huritau"
    (Be happy on the turning of your years)
    Love J&K
