Wednesday 27 January 2010

Thursday morning at 4am..... we’re leaving home!

Yes, it really is 4am. Not a totally alien time to M, but a very alien one to Ron! Sadly we’re both awake as we had a horrendous thunderstorm last night. Nothing came through the canvas, but the water must have “pooled” under the tent, and with our respective body weights pressing down (no comments please!) forced the water through the groundsheet! Result – wet floor, roll mats, sleeping bags..hmm not good! Not cold, fortunately, felt a bit like a wet suit! But not good to lie in – especially with Arthur itis! So, the plan – evacuate to the kitchen, make a coffee and do some blogging until it get light enough to deal with it!
We’ve also decided to change campsite..we might be on the outskirts of Rotorua, which was supposed to be quieter...apart from the fact that we’re very near two arterial roads that go round and take all then logging lorries! The site managers, when we booked in, said “don’t worry about the road noise – it all stops at 5” –we weren’t too concerned as the busiest of cities seems to go “dead” between 5 & 6pm, with people coming out to eat a bit later, but much fewer of them. Everything’s closed by 9.30pm, so no problem, normally! We’ll see what they say when the office opens!

1 comment:

  1. Just looked at where you are on google and Lake Rotorua is HUGE!!!!Enjoy! Tricia
