Monday 18 January 2010

I come froma place down under...

Got here at last! Crashed in an airport hotel last night and moving into Auckland to get ourselves sorted with a tent, phone sim card etc today! Longer post in a few days when we've got ourselves sorted - hoping to meet up with Roy and Joi Demery (ex Kent, now Bristol!) who are also here on hols!

Apologies for the lack of posts from Rarotonga - as you can see, we prepared them, but, as Harry would say, the internet was "rubbush"! we did manage to sort out our Aussie Visas, but that cost us NZ$20 (£8) and took AGES! Hence the flurry of postsnow we're back in relative civilisation - with a free wifi!

1 comment:

  1. Blimmey only left it a couple of days and have tons to read! Glad you arrived safely, sounds like you're going to come back with muscles you never knew you had after all that exercise! Look forward to reading your next adventures
    D,J,H and M xxxx
