Friday 8 January 2010

Sushi for breakfast? Only in USA

Hi guys, sitting in Nevada Tourist office with a handy wifi!
planes all worked out ok yesterday, didn't bother with supper - brains didn't know what had hit us! However, on the advice of a fellow traveller, went out to "survey the strip" Boy oh boy, is it all that we thought! I dread to think how much electricity the neon is burning!
You can visit NY Paris and San Fransisco Bridge in 2 blocks! our hotel takes about20 mins to walk from one end to the other, and it's not the biggest!

The view from where I'm sitting is of the Sierra Nevada with Lake Mead and the Colarado river. Red rock and desert against startlingly blue water - we'll try and post a few pics next time - they're all still on the camera at the moment.

Yes I did have sushi for breakfast!! Buffet at MGM with everthing from porridge to sushi, tapas and everything else in between!


  1. Glad to see you got away safely! Recall standing ON the Thames at Windsor in 63!!! Snow still very much a problem - I had to get up at 05.30 to make sure I got to work on time and then I had to cancel Guides!! Sushi for breakfast sounds rather exotic!! One up on a kipper!!! Enjoy the view and the warmth!! We are forecast yet MORE SNOW! Much love xx

  2. Snow has fallen, snow on snow! I haven't been able to get my car off the driveway since Wednesday, and Julian Road remains an ice rink ...:-( Whilst you're there make sure you catch the Bellagio fountain show, the Pirates are impressive, and the Venetian is amazing. Each hotel is like a different world! Seeing the Grand Canyon at sunset is well worth the wait, if it fits your itinerary. Lots of love xx

  3. Woo! Glad you made it and Vegas is still as weird as it was. The red rock dessert is something else though. You'll probably get this after your little 'road trip', but if you don't, make sure you stop at a diner for dinner on the way back ;) P.S. Got buggy! J&Dx

  4. I was about to complain that you're writing of deserts and I'm snowed in... but then I realised this is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better, because you're only at the beginning of your amazing trip! ha ha ha. So pleased you got away ok - and loving the blog already - thanks for giving me itchy feet!

  5. Glad you got out ok, still masses of snow here you left the country at the right time! Mia has her first two teeth now, and is making sure we all know more are on their way, otherwise all well. D&Jxx

  6. Great to hear from all you guys!
    Am struggling with pics at mo but will persevere!!
