Monday 18 January 2010

Happy talking happy talk..

For those of you who are familiar with the musical “South Pacific”, you’ll recognise the song title which we’ve chosen for this blog entry. Firstly we met some New Zealanders (we’re reliably informed that they don’t mind being called Kiwis) Phil and Donna, who were on the walk with us. We have an invitation to Dunedin! Secondly I lost Ron.
There I was, sitting waiting to order supper, when we get the most amazing sunset, just like the start of the aforementioned film! So, camera in hand, Ron disappears along the beach. Closely followed by a Swiss gentleman, whose supper had just arrived at his table! 10 mins later they were still missing! I was joking with the gentleman’s wife about us both having lost out husbands to photography when they finally returned! We decided to share a table as Ron had discovered that they were on the same sort of trip as we are! They are about half way round, doing a “Cooks” tour following the route from England that Capt Cook chose for one of his expeditions. They too had done the booking themselves, although with help initially from a friendly Munich travel agent.
Hans and Frieda live between Zurich and Basel, and were fascinated to hear about our blog. They are currently using email to keep in touch, but are going to try following our blog – you never know they may even start one themselves! Since they flew out this evening to NZ – we may well see them again – if not there are 2 invitations to visit the UK or Switzerland to exchange notes and photos after our trips! So if you’re reading this, Hans und Frieda – gute reise! Hans and Frieda had tried to book the walk we did – but had been advised against it – we were able to explain why!

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