Tuesday 19 January 2010

I would walk 500 miles...

Well, more like 13,000 actually - and all to have supper with friends who live less than 100 miles from home! It was really silly, but it had to be done! It turns out that our friends Roy and Joi were only in Auckland for one evening at the same time as us, but we made the most of it!
Philias, as you can see was enjoying himself [- sunbathing at Auckland Harbour. We spent a great day exploring Auckland on foot - being built on 48 dormant volcanoes, there are rather a lot of hills :-( A bit like San Franciso!)
We also purchased our tent ( good 3 man (well, 2 man one bear) dome), 2 sleeping bags, carry mats and some gas for our Trangia.. so we're all set on the camping front!
Had a great evening with Roy and Joi - they couldn't quite believe the God-incidence either!
Off towards the south of North Island tomorrow - we have a car from 10am.
Also found Esquires Coffee shops - apparently island wide, with free wifi! Good excuse for a coffee!
Val, we're very pleased Sims is behaving himself and keeping Daisy company. I hope he doesn't pull Ian of his bike though!
Kevin, we've traced Marcia and so may be able to visit!


  1. Well, I'm embarrassed to say that this is the first time I've managed to sit down and read through your entries. Sounds like you're having a great time and I'll make sure I look you up more often.

  2. Since the band is David, David, David, David and Ron, and Son and other friends are Davids.. which one is it?!!!!!
