Thursday 7 January 2010

Virgin on the ridiculous

Despite every attempt that has been made to keep us in the UK we are in the Upper Class lounge at Heathrow waiting for our boarding call! Thanks to all who have been praying as it definitely is working.
We must say that we can both remember the last big freezes in 63 and 1980's and we hope it gets better soon for you guys.
Philias is disgusted as they don't allow animals in the lounge, so he's been hung up guarding the coats in the cloakroom.
R+M both have had facials in the spa. For R this was a first, but apparently more men avail themselves of this treatment than women! Not sure what this means? It means that us ladies are sensible and have them elsewhere as well! M
Its LA next stop and then a connection to Las Vegas; we hope to arrive at the hotel around 3am UK time.

So that's definately a sleep on the plane, then :-) Philias seems to be enjoying his flight!


  1. Oh Dear!! Bristol has just heard of Philias' adventure and is most upset that he didn't manage to sneak into the baggage when we were with you last week.

  2. Tracked your flight on Flight Traker so saw you land in LA. Hopefully you caught your flight to Las Vagus!
    PS The egg sandwiches were excelent!

  3. Just incase you're wondering what the comment about egg sanis was...we left home made bread and eggs in the kitchen! Kevin and Jess rescued tham!
