Monday 18 January 2010

Jungle, jungle Rock!

Last night was fab! A traditional Polynesian feast with more dishes than you can shake a stick at! AND loads of fish, so we were both very happy! Having made the head dress, it had to be worn!
The fantastic meal was followed by traditional music (loads of drums, guitar, ukuleles and singers) and an enthusiastic troop of dancers. The fellas weren’t bad either, but Ron didn’t take any pictures of them 
We did do a video! But it’s too big for the blog so you’ll have to see it when we get home!
Wednesday morning 5am..well it wasn’t meant to be..but Margery’s phone was still on California time –oops! So we went back to bed for two hours...and got up for a second time at 7! Oh dear, not a good start for a very busy day! Fed and watered we were collected for our cross island “walk”. We were going with a guide named “Pa” who turned out to be a traditional “man of the hills” who walks at the same speed, uphill or down! He put us to shame as we struggled up what we can only describe as a 1500 foot scramble through jungle and cloud forest.
It wasn’t so much of a trail, as a trial as we used tree roots, boulders and anything else including the trekking poles to haul ourselves up a very narrow path on top of a ridge 18” wide at the most. Interesting! Even more interesting when you start to come down a similar trail and it’s started to rain and so everything – us included was covered in mud!
Ron ended up losing his footing and a favourite shirt trying to help me down a particularly slippery bit with a 2’6” boulder to get down No broken bones, just a ripped shirt. Our guide has obviously had the problem before and found his own unique solution to the problem!

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