Monday 18 January 2010

Desmond has a barrow in the market place...

Along with many others! That’s where we were off to this morning – the weekly market in Avaura .
The place was heaving with farmers bringing in fruit and vegetables, craftsmen selling necklaces and earrings, more sarongs and pareu than you can imagine. A pareu is a larger version of sarong used as a dress when folded in 374 different ways! The men demonstrated how they should be tied, with young female volunteers in bikinis. Maybe this would be a way to get scouts tying knots!
We were wandering round, taking photos, buying some local bread etc for lunch, and enjoying a drinking coconut, when we came upon Ron Bird manning a Sea Scouts Stand! As he was with the Cook Island Group on Brownsea in 2007 you may have met him, Jess and Kevin! At the same time, we met an Aussie couple, Geoff and Catherine, from Sydney – Geoff was an ex scout leader and had been similarly drawn to the stand! In another of those biazarre co-incidences, they were due to eat at the same restaurant we’d been recommended this evening – Trader Jacks, where they apparently have the best sea food on the island! They are also staying at the same resort as us, and also intended to go to church on Sunday!
We spent a very pleasant evening with them, and got a lift home in their hired VW Golf Cabriolet!

1 comment:

  1. Wot??? No comments about the shirt!! It's even better than Jacques caribbean version!!!LOL xxx
