Saturday 30 January 2010

Ridin’ along in my particular place to go...

In a chance conversation with our host at the Rotorua campsite, it transpired that he had lived for over 20 years in Hastings (NZ near Napier, not Sussex!) He was going there that afternoon to see family. We spoke about our intended campsite, and were basically warned off it as oit was potentially as noisy as another one we could mention. He recommended another just outside Napier. He made a comment about journey time, and we said we were thinking of talking an alternative route on the way out, which would have taken us through the Ikawhenua and Huiarau ranges. This would have gone past 2 splendid lakes but, apparently a large proportion of the route was unsealed – ie potholed gravel track – and could potentially have taken 8hrs + with the added hazard of head on confrontations with large logging lorries. As you will be aware, slugs don’t like gravel! :-) Thankyou guardian angel no.1!
We set off from Rotorua with every intention of camping just outside Napier for a couple of nights...but we met another couple of those “angels”. The first was a lady in a souvenir shop in Taupo, who warned us about a storm due this evening (having already lost her modem (blew up!) the previous evening) and then her electricity due to the thunderstorm.
We continued on our way in fine weather through the mountain valleys towards Napier and had no radio signal for at least ½ hr. The radio decided to come to life just long enough for Ron to hear a weather warning for up to 6” of rain due tonight in the Gisborne/Hawkes Bay coastal region. Where were we headed? Napier in Hawkes Bay.
Height of potential rainfall 6”
Height of tent groundsheet 4”
Do the sums! Ok, we know it doesn’t all come at once, but... We are now safely ensconced in a small motel, not on the coast (partly due to its being a little more reasonable in price to come in from the coast), but, more importantly, being in Napier, the coast didn’t seem the best place to be!
We’ve booked ourselves on a wine tour tomorrow..very sensibly the local tourist organisation encourages you to do the trip by air conditioned minibus rather than driving! Seems like a good idea to me. So even if it is throwing it down with rain tomorrow, we should, all being well have a good day none the less.
If it doesn’t rain I’ve told Ron it’s part of his fiendish plan to get a really comfy bed for the night!!!
We spent the afternoon exploring Napier – it’s supposed to be one of the most “English” of the cities in NZ. The main reason is that much of the city was destroyed by a massive earthquake and subsequent fire damage in 1931. The rebuilding plan took place at the height of the “Art Deco” era and so much was built in that style. The planning authorities have been badgered by the local “Art Deco Trust” to preserve the buildings as far as possible in their original state. It really is like being in a time warp as you walk around the city and the very English formal esplanade gardens! You’re almost expecting to see Poirot or the Great Gatsby appearing around every corner. Ok I know Gatsby was American, but it’s the same era. We are going to miss the art deco festival in 2 weeks time – everyone dresses up in 1930’s costume etc – knew I should have borrowed the “flapper” dress, Jess!
So, we’re on a mission tomorrow – the Mission being the oldest Winery in NZ! Being incredibly civilised, the tour doesn’t start until 1pm, so we have time for church in town first. I love it when a plan comes together – God’s, not ours, of course!

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